Educational Programs for Athletics

All student athletes are required by NCAA to complete sexual violence prevention education annually. Athletes participate in a workshop led by PAVE’s peer educators each year with their team.  

Looking to request a workshop for your team? Priority requests for Fall 2024 PAVE workshops are due 9/10/24! 
Review the guide below before submitting your request to the Assistant Director for Student Athlete Success. If you still have questions, visit the detailed FAQs beneath the guide. Click the guide to enlarge it.

FAQs for Coaches & Student Athletes

While the Assistant Director for Student-Athlete Success submits final requests, coaches are responsible for emailing the AD with:

  • Team practice times 
  • Number of athletes on the team
  • Any considerations you’d like to be made during scheduling (for example, if the team is open to a combined workshop with a particular team/sport, or if the team has specific needs/questions to be addressed in the workshop)

Athletics alternates topics annually between consent and bystander intervention. For AY24-25, each team will receive a bystander intervention workshop.

NCAA requires 100% of student athletes to complete sexual violence prevention on an annual basis. Penn Athletics uses PAVE, a program of PVP, to provide workshops that meet this requirement for each team. 

If you have a student on the team who can’t attend for any reason, please connect with the Assistant Director of Student-Athlete Success as soon as possible. 

 The only 2 opportunities for student athletes to complete this requirement are to attend their team’s scheduled workshop, or the pre-scheduled makeup workshop at the end of the semester. This makeup session is led by PVP staff and held in early December; exact date and time will be announced the month prior. 

All workshops are held in person on-campus. The Assistant Director for Student-Athlete Success staff will reserve and pay for adequate space (including necessary AV equipment) to host the workshop. 

Guidance for Athletics staff reserving space for PAVE workshops:

  • In-person workshops require a screen/projector, audio capability, HDMI to USB-C cord, adequate space and seating for maximum expected attendees plus 2 facilitators.
  • For accessibility, we ask that you prioritize buildings with all-gender restrooms and armless chairs with backrests.  

Still have questions? Contact PVP Program Manager Tyler Rizzo (