Fraternity & Sorority Life

All members of fraternity & sorority life are required to complete sexual violence prevention education through PAVE annually. New members participate in a consent workshop led by PAVE’s peer educators, and returning members are trained in bystander intervention each year with their chapter.  

Looking to request a workshop for your chapter? Priority requests for Fall 2024 PAVE workshops are due 9/10/24!
Review the guide below before submitting your workshop request. If you still have questions, visit the detailed FAQs beneath the guide. Click the guide to enlarge it.

Ready to request a workshop for your group?

Fill out the form below:

FAQs for Fraternity & Sorority Members

A member of the chapter’s leadership should submit the request.  

Please note: the person submitting the request is responsible for communicating with PVP and their group about the workshop promptly.

You do not need to select a workshop topic – this will be automatically selected for you when you request the workshop via Qualtrics survey (linked below). Returning members education occurs in the fall, with PAVE’s bystander intervention workshop. New members will receive PAVE’s consent workshop in the spring.

If your group has a unique need that would better be met with individualized content, PVP offers custom workshops tailored to your audience. Custom workshops must be requested at least 3 weeks in advance and are subject to PVP availability.  

Most chapters’ bylaws require 100% of chapter members attendance. If your chapter falls out of compliance with this requirement (for example, only gets 78% attendance), your chapter may be subject to a variety of consequences, including but not limited to council sanctions and fines.  

Attendance is typically highest when chapter leaders emphasize the importance of attending, remind the chapter of the scheduled session, and ensure members show up and engage in the full session. Even if your group requires just 80% attendance, we highly encourage marketing the workshop as mandatory for all. This preserves the likelihood your chapter will meet that 80% requirement even if a member is absent due to illness or emergency.

Attendance requirements are summarized below. If you have questions, clarifications, or concerns regarding compliance with these requirements, please connect with OFSL staff. 

  • Returning members (IFC, PHC, and IGC) must attend a PAVE bystander intervention workshop every fall, scheduled by their chapter.
    • 100% of executive board must attend 
    • A minimum of 80% of the rest of the chapter must attend
  • All new members (IFC, PHC, and IGC) must attend a PAVE consent workshop in the spring, scheduled by their chapter.  
    • 100% of new members must attend

Anyone unable to attend their chapter’s scheduled workshop in full must attend PVP’s prescheduled make-up workshop for fraternity & sorority life at the end of the semester (typically the last Sunday of the term). PVP’s end-of-semester workshop is the only make-up opportunity available to fraternity and sorority members who miss their chapter’s PAVE workshop. PVP cannot offer additional workshops beyond this.

If a significant number of members can’t attend the date your chapter requested and was scheduled for, communicate with PVP as soon as possible. Please include the nature of the members’ absence (illness, religious observance, conflicting obligation, etc) and a new estimated number of attendees for the scheduled session. Due to the high demand for PAVE workshops each semester, PVP is typically not able to accommodate requests to reschedule with less than 3 weeks notice. 

If your entire chapter does not attend their scheduled workshop (or “no shows”), you will need to obtain sexual violence prevention education outside of PVP. This typically comes in the form of a costly (and monotonous) online curriculum.

PVP may choose to combine multiple small chapters with overlapping availability into one larger workshop, with a maximum capacity of 50 attendees. Any combining or splitting of chapters is coordinated by PVP alone, after all requests have been submitted for the term. 

All workshops are held in person on-campus. OFSL staff will reserve and pay for adequate space (including necessary AV equipment) to host the workshop. Please note, we cannot accommodate requests to hold workshops in chapter houses. 

Guidance for OFSL staff reserving space for PAVE workshops:

  • In-person workshops require a screen/projector, audio capability, HDMI to USB-C cord, adequate space and seating for maximum expected attendees plus 2 facilitators. 
  • For accessibility, we ask that you prioritize buildings with all-gender restrooms and armless chairs with backrests.  

Still have questions?

Contact PVP’s program manager Tyler Rizzo at