Penn Anti-Violence Education (PAVE)

PAVE is a program dedicated to peer-led violence prevention.

PVP employs and trains a team of 18 undergraduate students to lead conversations and workshops that promote a culture of consent. These workshops build the knowledge and skills needed to practice consent and bystander intervention, both in interpersonal relationships and the larger communities students navigate. PAVE sees these practices as central to the work to end sexual and relationship violence.

Through engaging peer-led workshops, PAVE educates and mobilizes Penn students to take action that prevents harm and builds healthy relationships on campus.

PAVE delivers peer-led educational programs both to groups interested in bringing anti-violence topics to their communities, and to those who are mandated to complete sexual violence prevention education (including Greek organizations, athletics teams, and clubs/student organizations). Since the program started in 2016, PAVE has quadrupled its impact, reaching 360 students with 30 trainings in its inaugural year, to over 1200 students with 70 trainings in 2023-2024. 

These programs consist of interactive 90 minute workshops, focused on either consent education or bystander intervention. PAVE has facilitated for culturally specific student associations, Greek chapters, academic clubs, political organizations, college house staff, and more. 

All workshops are 90 minutes long, and typically cofacilitated by two peer educators. These sessions are highly participatory: we ask attendees to engage actively in co-creating knowledge and skills that are relevant to their particular communities. Through this, we hope participants walk away from each workshop with real-world solutions to the issues of sexual and relationship violence in their respective groups and on campus at large. Here’s a general idea of the structure PAVE workshops follow:

  • Opening: educators will introduce the topic and set guidelines for engagement in the session
  • Basics: Outlining the components of the topics and any skills/strategies involved in practice it
  • Application: Using scenarios, practice applying what’s been learned. This includes ample time for discussion, questions, and brainstorming together. 
  • Closing: educators will share information on the confidential resources available to people impacted by sexual and relationship violence at Penn

Peer educators are leaders who come from the communities they educate within, and are uniquely able to share relevant knowledge, skills, and interventions on social problems with their fellow community members. At Penn, PAVE educators are undergraduate students who receive specialized training in facilitation skills, consent education, sexual and relationship violence recognition and response, and intervening on interpersonal and systemic harm. 

During NSO, PAVE educators lead Consent Circles, a PVP program dedicated to consent educating for incoming students at Penn. Year round, they lead consent workshops and bystander intervention trainings. PAVE educators recognize that violence is a societal issue in need of community based solutions, and they work to cultivate an understanding of the systems of oppression that shape experiences of interpersonal violence.

We’re so glad you are interested! Here’s some basics to know about the peer educator role:

  • PAVE educators are employed as student workers under PVP, and are expected to attend a week of summer training, biweekly meetings, and lead workshops throughout the academic year (a minimum of one 2-hour workshop shift per month).
  • All work including training is considered paid time, and is compensated at $15/hour.
  • PVP typically hires for open PAVE positions during the spring semester that precedes the upcoming academic year (so for educators joining during the fall 2024-spring 2025 academic year, hiring was completed in spring 2024. If you’re interested in being notified when applications open for PAVE, email Program Manager Tyler Rizzo at
  • Undergraduate students of all gender identities, sexual orientations, countries of origin, races, ethnicities, and abilities are encouraged to apply. No prior experience or training is required to apply. Applicants do not need to have a work study award to be considered. 

Want PAVE to lead a workshop for your group?
We're accepting requests for fall 2024 workshops until 10/1!

Although the priority deadline for fall workshop requests has passed, you can still request a PAVE workshop until our last call for requests – the deadline is Tuesday 10/1! 
PAVE’s remaining available slots for fall 2024 workshops are listed below. Dates are available as of 9/12/24.


  • Tues 10/8, 6:45-8:15pm (athletics only)
  • Thurs 10/10, 6-7:30pm (athletics only)
  • Tues 10/15, 6:30-8pm (fraternity only)
  • Mon 10/28, 6:45-8:15pm (fraternity only)


  • Tues 11/12, 6:45-8:15pm (athletics only)
  • Tues 11/19, 6-7:30pm
  • Weds 11/20, 6:30-8pm
  • Sun 11/24, 2-3:30pm or 6-7:30pm
  • Mon 11/25, 6-7:30pm


  • Weds 12/4, 6-7:30pm
  • Thurs 12/5, 6:30-8pm 


Open workshops (including the make-up opportunity for fraternity & sorority members, student athletes, and student organizations) will be announced in early November.


Please note: All requests received after our priority deadline are processed on a weekly basis. 

Please allow 5 business days for a response to your request.

PAVE educators before Speak About It at NSO