

Confidential Support

When students inform these resources of incidents of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment, these resources are not then required to inform the AVP/Title IX Officer. For more information about confidentiality, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.

  • Penn Violence Prevention (Confidential)
    3935 Walnut Street, Suite 400
    Tel: 215-746-2642
    Penn Violence Prevention is a collaborative program that aims to engage the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment on campus through educational programming.
  • Special Services Unit in the Division of Public Safety (Confidential) (24/7)
    4040 Chestnut Street
    24 Hour Helpline: 215.898.6600
    Special Services offers comprehensive victim support for any member of the University community who experiences interpersonal violence. Special Services has advocates on call 24-hours a day who provide options counseling, hospital, and court accompaniment and take formal police reports.
  • Penn Women’s Center (Confidential)
    3643 Locust Walk
    Tel: 215.898.8611
    Staff Hours:  9:30am-5:30pm, Monday-Friday
    The Penn Women’s Center provides education, advocacy, and support groups for survivors of sexual violence. Staff can assist victims/survivors in navigating resources at Penn and in the broader community. They also provide support and guidance to friends and family of students who have experienced sexual violence. PWC supports students of all gender identities and sexual orientations.
  • Student Health and Counseling (Confidential) (24/7)
    Counseling: 3624 Market Street, 1st Floor West
    Student Health: 3535 Market Street, Suite 100
    Tel: 215-746-WELL (9355) 
    Emergency walk-ins all day
    24/7 crisis support
    Student Health and Counseling (formerly SHS and CAPS) is the primary care and psychological care division of Wellness at Penn. Student Health and Counseling provides care for acute and chronic health problems, preventative health services, as well as mental health and counseling, crisis management, and consultations. Within SHC, the Sexual Trauma Treatment Outreach and Prevention (STTOP) Team, a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, is dedicated to providing confidential care, support, and advocacy to students who have experienced sexual trauma.
  • The Office of the Chaplain (Confidential)
    240 Houston Hall
    Tel: 215-898-8456
    The Office of the Chaplain offers pastoral support, guidance, and informal advising and counseling to all members of the Penn community in a safe and confidential manner. They are also able to connect students to campus resources and community religious support as needed.
  • Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Center (Confidential)
    Carriage House, 3907 Spruce Street
    Tel: 215-898-5044
    The LGBT Center provides advocacy, education, outreach, and support for and concerning Penn’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities. The staff is trained to support survivors of interpersonal violence, or anyone struggling with related issues in a safe and confidential manner.
  • Office of the Ombuds (Confidential)
    113 Duhring Wing, 236 S. 34th Street
    Tel: 215.898.8261
    The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential and neutral resource for students, staff and faculty. The Ombuds assists with the management of conflict, dispute resolution, and problem solving.
  • 3643 Locust Walk
    Tel: 215-898-0104
    The African-American Resource Center (AARC) provides advocacy, counseling, information, referrals, workshops, and informational sessions for all members of the Penn community with a particular focus on those of African descent.

Confidential Medical Assistance

  • Student Health and Counseling (Confidential) (24/7 for urgent medical needs)
    Student Health: 3535 Market Street, Suite 100
    Tel: 215-746-WELL (9355) 
    For hours of operation, visit Wellness @ Penn.
     Wellness’ Student Health and Counseling division is located on campus and committed to partnering with you to treat illnesses and injuries, promote wellness, and provide you with health education and information. Click here for available services, including confidential sexual health, gynecologic care, and LGBTQ+ care.

Penn Internal Reporting

Penn’s internal reporting processes changed in August 2020, and all reports now go to the AVP/Title IX Officer. Please see the updated Sexual Misconduct Policy for more information.

  • AVP/Title IX Officer
    3901 Walnut St, Suite 320
    Tel: 215.898.2887
    The AVP/Title IX Officer oversees the investigation of reports against Penn faculty, staff and enrolled students alleging violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy, which includes sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. Potential consequences for a Penn student found responsible through an internal disciplinary process include probation, suspension, and expulsion from the University.

Criminal Reporting

  • Special Services Unit in the Division of Public Safety (Confidential) (24/7)
    4040 Chestnut Street
    24 Hour Helpline: 215.898.6600
    Special Services offers comprehensive victim support for any member of the University community who experiences interpersonal violence. Advocates on call 24/7 can provide options counseling, hospital and court accompaniment, and take formal police reports. Special Services can also provide support for students interested in filing criminal reports outside of Philadelphia (both in the US and abroad). Potential consequences for a person found guilty in the criminal legal system include prison time and placement on the sex offender registry.

School Accommodations and Interim Measures

  • Student Intervention Services
    3935 Walnut Street, Suite 400
    Tel: 215.898.6081
    Student Intervention Services (SIS) coordinates the University’s response to reports of interpersonal violence against students. SIS provides support to student victims/survivors; coordinates with schools, housing administrators, and other relevant offices at students’ request; and connects students to appropriate support services. SIS respects the sensitivity of violence cases and can discreetly advocate for students with schools and other offices in the University.

Philadelphia Resources

Many community-based agencies not affiliated with the University can provide support, counseling, and advocacy to students.

  • WOAR: The Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence (24/7)
    One Penn Center 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100
    24 Hour Hotline: 215.985.3333
    WOAR is a non-profit organization that provides a 24-hour hotline, free individual and group counseling to children and adults who have experienced sexual abuse/assault, counseling in Spanish, and hospital and court accompaniment. WOAR provides services to all survivors regardless of gender or sexual orientation and offers a Queer Survivors Group.
  • Women Against Abuse (WAA) (24/7)
    100 South Broad Street, Suite 1341
    Philadelphia, PA 19110
    24-hour hotline: 1.866.723.3014, Office #: 215.386.1280
    WAA is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence in the Philadelphia community including emergency shelter, transitional housing, legal services, behavioral healthcare, advocacy and education. WAA provides services to survivors of all genders.
  • Philadelphia Sexual Assault Response Center (PSARC) (24/7)
    300 E. Hunting Park Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19124
    Emergencies: Call 215.425.1625 to reach the on-call sexual assault nurse examiner
    The Philadelphia Sexual Assault Treatment Center is designated to provide forensic rape examinations to victims of sexual assault and to assist them in the process of making a report to the Philadelphia Police Department. It is recommended that those who wish to pursue legal action, or who may wish to take legal action in the future, receive a rape exam which includes a collection of evidence. During this examination victims can receive treatment for injuries and sexually transmitted infections as well as emergency contraception. Individuals may contact PSARC directly by calling the 24 hour hotline. Penn DPS Special Services Department provides 24/7 transportation and accompaniment to the center (215.898.6600).

Additional Community Based Resources


Sexual Violence: 

  • WOAR: The Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence 24-hour Hotline: 215-985-3333

Domestic/Dating Violence/Relationship Violence:

Treatment for those who cause/caused harm:


National Resources