
Policy Definition

As per Penn’s policy, Stalking means engaging in a course of conduct directed at specific person(s) that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety, the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. 

For more information, or to understand if a behavior violates the sexual misconduct policy, please review the Sexual Misconduct Policy or review the Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer website

If you are interested in speaking with a confidential staff member about your experience, please contact Penn Violence Prevention. 

Examples of stalking behavior

People are most often stalked by someone they know such as an acquaintance or an ex-partner, but you can also be stalked by a stranger. Stalking behavior is often mistaken as simply being unwanted romantic attention and is not taken seriously. However, if not interrupted, stalking can begin to force a victim to alter their routine, live in fear, or be physically in danger. Examples of stalking include:

  • Repeatedly following or spying on you
  • Repeatedly calling your home and/or work
  • Repeatedly sending you unwanted e-mails, letters, DM’s, text messages, etc.
  • Leaving unwanted gifts or items for you to find
  • Vandalizing or damaging your property
  • Threatening you or someone close to you
  • Repeatedly showing up where you are for no legitimate purpose


  • Consent is an affirmative decision to engage in mutually agreed upon sexual activity and is given by clear words or actions.
  • Consent may not be inferred from silence, passivity, or lack of resistance alone.
  • Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity and the existence of a current or previous dating, marital, and/or sexual relationship is not sufficient to constitute consent to additional sexual activity.
  • Assent shall not constitute consent if it is given by a person who, because of youth, disability, intoxication or other condition, is unable to lawfully give his or her consent.

A student’s own use of alcohol and/or drugs does not automatically eliminate their responsibility to obtain consent. During an investigation related to sexual violence, it is likely that the context and circumstances will be taken into account in order to determine whether consent was provided.

What to do

Visit the Get Help page for more information about safety, medical, support, and reporting options. Stalking is unpredictable and dangerous. It is best that you talk with a professional about creating a safety plan, but there are steps you can take to increase your safety:

  • Trust your instincts
  • Don’t downplay the danger
  • Take threats seriously
  • Danger is generally higher when the stalker talks about suicide or murder
  • Don’t communicate with the stalker or respond to attempts to contact you
  • Keep evidence of the stalking
  • Write down the time, date, and place of any incidents.
  • Save any e-mails, texts, etc. from the stalker

Responding to Cyberstalking and Digital Abuse

Cyberstalking and digital abuse can cause significant emotional and psychological harm. What begins online can also escalate into physical harm.

If you are being intimidated and communicated with against your will online you may be experiencing cyber-stalking. Many forms of digital abuse are criminal offenses in the State of Pennsylvania.

  • If you are experiencing digital abuse, try to keep all evidence of the abuse received by taking screenshots.
  • If you are a victim of cyber-sexual harassment, you can call the CCRI Crisis Helpline at 844-878-CCRI (2274).
  • If you are experiencing sextortion, these are five steps you can take.
  • If you are being blackmailed, these are five steps you can take.


Visit the resources page to find information about who to contact for support and reporting options.

Additional Information