For Staff & Faculty

Supporting Students

If a student discloses an incident of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, or sexual harassment the University has an obligation to offer the student support and to inform them of resources and reporting options. Many staff members on campus are considered Responsible Employees under Title IX, and CSA’s under the Clery Act, which means they have an obligation to inform certain offices if they know about an incident. The Penn Violence Prevention program, in partnership with various offices around campus, can offer trainings and workshops to inform staff and faculty of these obligations and to prepare them to best support students.

For more information about the Clery Act & Crime Reporting visit the Division of Public Safety website, or contact them at: 215.898.7515
For more information about Title IX, contact the AVP/Title IX Officer.

Resources for Staff and Faculty Who Have Experienced Violence or Harassment

Penn’s internal reporting processes changed on August 14, 2020 and all reports go to the AVP/Title IX Coordinator. Please see the updated Sexual Misconduct Policy for more information.

Special Services Unit in the Division of Public Safety (CONFIDENTIAL)
4040 Chestnut Street
24 Hour Helpline: 215.898.6600
Special Services offers comprehensive victim support for any member of the University community who had been a victim of interpersonal violence. Special Services has advocates on call 24-hours a day that can provide options counseling, hospital, and court accompaniment, and take formal police reports. Special Services is a confidential unit and can provide support for students, staff, and faculty who wish to remain anonymous.

AVP/Title IX Coordinator
3901 Walnut St, Suite 320
Tel: 215.898.2887
The AVP/Title IX Officer oversees the investigation of reports against Penn faculty, staff, and enrolled students alleging violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy, which includes sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.

Faculty Affairs Office in the Office of the Provost
122 College Hall
Tel: 215.898.4032
The Faculty Affairs Office is responsible for the overall management of the academic personnel process, including recruitment, retention, and retirement; appointments and promotions; enhancement of faculty diversity; and resolution of individual faculty issues, including grievances. The office also provides training on (1) gender and racial bias and (2) sexual harassment and sexual violence for faculty

Staff and Faculty Programs


Penn Violence Prevention is available to provide informative trainings and workshops to individual departments across campus. These workshops can focus on topics ranging from institutional obligations in responding to sexual violence on campus, to how to be an active bystander as an administrator. In addition to programs from PVP, the Faculty Affairs Office provides trainings for faculty on sexual harassment and sexual violence.


The PVP committee is made up of over 50 faculty and staff members who meet bi-annually to review the past, present, and upcoming programs offered under PVP. Committee members act as campus advocates against violence and often make up working groups to help inform future efforts. The committee has continued to see remarkable growth and interest campus wide.


Now in its 15th year, the AVA training is designed to educate Penn staff and faculty on the dynamics of relationship violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, and stalking and the resources available on campus so they can better advise and support students. The training will include interactive sessions and expert presenters from campus and beyond. Individuals who complete the training can choose to then be identified as AVAs so that students know where they can find effective and safe support. However, completing this training does not make you a confidential resource for students. 

The 2024 AVA training occurred on July 9th, 10th, and 11th. If you are interested in attending the next AVA training, sign up for our newsletter!